Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Year New Blog

Hello again! As you can see I've made a couple of modifications to my blog. Or as I like to call it iOSC&C (C&C standing for Cupcakes and Crafting)

I've also decided to post about some other things besides DIY's and baking. I want to start posting things like monthly favorites and other stuff like that. I will be doing that every month so be keeping an eye out for that!

I want to know what kind of stuff you want from me, so I created a poll. It's alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way at the bottom of the page. So if you would go down there and vote that would be greatly appreciated!

I don't know the future for this blog. But I hope it's awesome!

Until Next Time
Love, Maddie